Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Plantation for Fast Growing Trees

In India 200.000.000 news papers are printed every day and that is predicted to be twice as much within the next couple of years because of a better school education for more and more people in India.

Imagine what this means for this country.

Every day the import of wood from Sweden, Russia , Canada, Malaysia etc. Payment in hard currency, which India can use in a better way. In some cases it takes at least 6 to 10 years to grow a tree big enough to get processed into pulp.

In the before mentioned countries, the trees are shredded and pressed into transportable logs. In India these logs are the basic material for the pulp process.

How much energy does it take to freight all this wood to India every day?

How much air pollution does this generates by the CO2 remaining in the air.

Based on an article in the Times of India dated 21st May 2007 the central Government is interested to cover India at 33% by forestry land in 2012.

Lets make it 40% by putting our efforts.